Oct 30, 2006
Lucky and Hollie run a tattoo studio on the south coast of England.
Their studio is called Skin Candy. In their interviews they talk
about what it takes to become a tattooist, their take on life and
how tattooing has changed in the last ten years. They were very
kind and understanding while we moved in all our cameras...
Oct 23, 2006
Katherine Schellenberg was born in 1932, to second generation
emigrant farmers in Aberdeen, Saskatchewan, Canada.
To Katherine the iconic images of the great depression are more
than just old black and white photographs of men waiting in bread
lines, working in relief camps and protesting against their
Oct 20, 2006
Sandra Ventris is a professional Actress. If you wish to know more
about Sandra please visit her page on this site.
ANTON CHEKHOV (1860-1904)
Anton Chekhov Born on January 29,
1860, one of Russia's most cherished storytellers.
Oct 16, 2006
Gareth Goldthorpe is a very fit and young looking sixty one year
old, who has been a bookbinder for the last twenty years.
In his interview, he talks about his unconventional and somewhat
eccentric childhood, being sent off to boarding school at the
tender age of five, and how he ran away, traveling some fifteen
Oct 2, 2006
Jemma Robinson is about 5'4" has grey eyes and short fair hair and
is slim. She has an open, friendly smile which helps to emphasize
her warm character.
She genuinely seems to like people; in other words, she is a people
person. This has come in handy over the years as she has lived in
some very different cultures from...