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peopletalk's Podcast

Feb 15, 2008

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Isabel Woods reads The Tenants of History by Michael Edmonds, directed & produced by Nigel Killick.

About The Tenants of History.
If Aristotle, Columbus, Copernicus, Gagarin, JFK and Stalin all lived
together in a rented terrace house, would they debate some of history's
most important issues such as who gets the biggest room, who holds the
TV remote control and who finished all the Shreddies? Probably, but
there are mysteries to solve too, like what's over the back wall, what's
eating Stalin and where will JFK go on his holidays? A light-hearted
look at history or a serious comment on flat-mates, depending on your
point of view.

Isabel Woods is a professional Actress who trained at Academy of Live and Recorded Arts London. If you wish to know more about Isabel
Please click here to visit here page on this site.

Anne Clark
sixteen and a half years ago

With thousands of podcasts being created each week, it’s easy to get sidetracked while looking for new drama. However, over the past few years only a few number of Drama podcasts have separated themselves from the pack, making it simple to know which sites need to be part of your weekly excursions on the web. I am glad that I found peopletalk. I have just listened to Isabel Woods reading of The Tenants of History by Michael Edmonds, very entertaining. Anne Clark Vancouver Canada

Claire Garcias
sixteen and a half years ago

Peopletalk, you have outdone yourself. Tom and I can never thank you enough. This is something we love to listen to!

*hugs* Thank you!!!

Gloria B. Mayfield
sixteen and a half years ago

I belong to a passionate local theater group from Texas and only found your site a couple of months ago. You bring the best elements of classic and new audio drama to your audience. I enjoyed \"The Tenants of History \", read by Isabel Woods. Gloria B. Mayfield, Texas.