Oct 5, 2015
This 1940s detective story is an old fashioned pastiche but amusing critique of the war time American private eye genre. It is not politically correct nor dose it shun from being controversial about how the author, chose to write at the time. So, if you can listen with an...
Jun 28, 2015
A Will to Kill For by Emil Petaja. This short fictional story is in the long tradition of pulp fiction. It's a story of greed and murder but with a good twist at the end.
Narrated by Tim Danko and produced by Nigel Killick with music by Benjamin Orth
About Tim Danko.
After a successful career in...
Oct 25, 2014
Episode Six Final Episode– Last Boat to Misahualli
“There's something about saying the word 'jungle' which immediately invites the thoughts of danger and intense curiosity: a secret Utopia which only the boldest of spirits will dare to venture into. So I decided to pack my bag, and go it alone…..well, sort of."
Sep 15, 2014
For those who enjoyed listening to Sal Bolton's
'The Call of Africa', you are invited to follow her on another adventure, this time into the rain forests of Ecuador, South America.
Sal, inspired by her childhood film hero, Indiana Jones, and with only a basic school-girl knowledge of Spanish, attempts her own...
Oct 15, 2013
'Letter's from the Amazon' This amusing and enlightening story is told in in six short audio episodes.
For those who enjoyed listening to Sal Bolton's 'The Call of Africa', you are invited to follow her on another adventure, this time into the rain forests of Ecuador, South America.
Sal, inspired by her childhood...